With over 35 years of experience in commercial concrete construction, we are the nation's leader in constructing bunkers.
About our bunkers
There is a considerable interest in underground bunkers.
These projects are a special type construction and require considerable planning and design. A minimum of 2 and preferably 3 ingress and egress points are required.
A special consideration must be given to ground water pressures and other soil conditions. Fresh air supply and stand-by power requirements must also be considered.
If you require a bunker, we have the concrete construction experience to accommodate your needs. In conjunction with our professional engineers and design specialists, you can have the bunker of your dreams!
How it's made:
- Concrete is a wonderful construction material. By casting your bunker in place, you are achieving maximum security and fire protection.
- Rebar is used per engineer or design recommendations to increase the strength and longevity of your bunker.
- Walls and ceilings are typically 8-inches thick and offer 2-hour fire rating, but can be increased per need and design.
- The bunkers we build feature 12-inch thick walls and ceiling.